Toshu's Kanji House 10th

Thank you for waiting. Today's guests are 女"Woman" and 母"Mother".

Nice to meet you, I'm 女"Woman".

I'm 母"Mother".

Together, we are about 6,600 years old. (^^♪


We are of the same generation and we are 3,300 years old alone.

Oh, I see. I'm not used to it yet because the credits are big.
That means both of you were born as Oracle Bone Script in Yin Era of China.

Exactly, we were!!

We'll be the seniors of 身"Body" and 包"Pack".
The other day, when the two of them were having lunch, they suddenly came across 衆"People", you know, 衆"People" is that person, right? I mean, he could talk to anyone, and they were kind enough to take care of us. (* ^ _ ^ *)
We wanted to go out to "Toshu's Kanji House" very very much!!
We are really happy to have good juniors.

I see.
I am happy that such wonderful people like you both think so.
Then, could you tell me why each of you was born like this?

Well, then, from me.
First of all, please look at the Oracle Bone Script and the Bronze Script.


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)


金文(Bronze Script)


This is the shape of a woman who is kneeling down.
It represents an elegant woman with her hands piled up very lithely in front of her.

Wow, it ’s beautiful. Nice curve (^ _-)-☆
It represents a supple woman.
The ancient women must have been very nice.

Yes, they were(^_-)-☆
Next, please look at Shoten, Reisho, Sosho, Gyosho, and Kaisho!!











Well, I think 女"Woman" in Sosho is similar to "め" in Hiragana.

Yes. I'm written in both Hiragana and Katakana!!
Today, I am expressed as "め" and "メ" respectively.





That's right. 女"Woman", you're doing great.

It's a great honor for me that the people have used me since I have come to Japan. (* ^ _ ^ *)
Then, I will tap the button to you, 母"Mother".

Thank you. Now, please look at my shapes in the Oracle Bone Script and the Bronze Script.


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)


金文(Bronze Script)

HUH? There are two points in 女"Woman".

That's right.
In general, “mother” refers to the person who gave birth to “baby”.
How does a mother raise her baby?

Well, to give the breast?

The two points you mentioned earlier represent breast.
Also look at Shoten, Reisho, Sosho, Gyosho, and Kaisho!!











All have two points. They mean breasts.
I'm impressed (^ _ -) - ☆
Come to think of it, I have seen the oracle bone script of 乳"Breast" before, and I remember that I was very moved by the shape of the Kanji that a mother seemed to nurse her baby holding him gently.


甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script) : 乳"Breast"

Whenever I met 乳"Breast" in Oracle Bone Script, I felt the tears welling up.

Sorry for interrupt you.
Toshu-san, actually, 母"Mother" was not chosen as Hiragana, but she is used as the character of "も" in Sogana.



I remember writing it when I was working on Kana-works before.
I thought it was very soft and wonderful.

Thank you. I'm embarrassed!!
By the way, do you like strawberries 🍓, Toshu-san?

Yes, I love it!!
I'm into chocolate fondue now.

Do you know how to write strawberries in Kanji?

The Kanji, 苺"Strawberry" is made of the Kanji, 母"Mother" with a radical of 艸“Kusakanmuri”.
Oh, it has 母"Mother".

That's right. There seem to be many theories, but one of them is that strawberries have many young plants, so the Kanji of 母"Mother" with 艸“Kusakanmuri” which represents a plant makes the Kanji of strawberries.

That's why it has you, 母"Mother"!!
I became more and more fond of strawberries (* ^ _ ^ *).
I'd like to talk to you more, but could you introduce your friend?


♪ ♪ DING DONG ♪ ♪


Oh, who is it. Le Ciel, can you take a look?

I gonna go check it out, Bow-Wow!
{Le Ciel came back with two Kanji.}
Toshu-sensei, "" and "" are here!!

I thought it was time for them to finish.

We come and pick up 女"Woman" and 母"Mother".

Oh, Thank you. (^^♪

But I think you guys are a bit too early to come. (*^_^*)

Wow, you two are gentlemen!
I was just about to be introduced the next guest by them.

Oh, the next guests are us.
Is that right, ?

I've heard so!!

So can we have and as the next guests?

In fact, I invited one more person, .

I am wondering who they are.
But I think everyone has the same idea already(^_-)-☆
Looking forward to the next time.
Thank you for your coming today.
Please come back home harmoniously together.

Thank you!!

Let's go back then(^^♪

I want you to see the profiles of 女"Woman" and 母"Mother" here(女"Woman"/母"Mother"), Bow-Wow!
See you next time, Ruff-Ruff!!

Toshu's Kanji House 11th is here.