Today's guest is 包"Pack". 包"Pack", please introduce yourself.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is 包"Pack" and I was introduced to you by 身"Body". I was born around the time of the First Qin Emperor (259 BC to 210 BC), so I guess I was about 2,300 years old. "(-" "-)" My present appearance is 小篆"Shoten" in "Tensho".
 A little before that, at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, I was found in this shape. It's easier for people of the present age to understand, if we say it's the age of the anime "Kingdom" (Author: Yasuhisa Hara).

Hey, you were born in the “Kingdom” era? I also watched “Kingdom”. I was drawn more and more into the charm of Shin and Sei. (^^ ♪
I get really excited watching that anime. I went to see a live-action movie the other day, but I couldn't help but cry for the past.
I just wept too!! So you're going to see a movie, too... 
・・・ By the way, why were you born like this?
I was born with a bigger baby [fetus] than 身"Body"'s in my belly. The current Kanji is "包" but the old character form is " ". So, I will explain it based on the original shape, " ". "勹" is the shape of the person from the side, in this case, a mother. And "巳" is the shape of a baby [fetus]. Originally, the upper part of the shape of "巳" represented the baby's head, ( ) but in the new character form, it is "己(The shape of the tool is the origin.)" which has a different meaning from its original origin. This is because when it was created with the new font, it was not considered the origin of the original characters and adopted the similar characters.
I see. It's sad that the original meaning has been lost. ヽ (; ▽;) ノ
Here, Leciel explains the old and new character forms of writing, Bow-Wow. As usual, it takes a little longer, so I will explain it on this page, so please read it when you have time.
It is a nice Kanji that shows a mother cherishes her child while she is stroking her belly.
That's right. Now here's a question. Do you know what Kanji means to pick up a newborn baby right after the delivery?
Is it "抱く(hold)"?
That's right. 手偏【Te(hand)-hen(the left-hand side of the Kanji) 】 and 包(tsutsumu)"pack" is 抱く(daku)"hold". Imagine a mother holding her new-born baby firmly with both hands. It's nothing other than moving for mothers to see a new-born baby for the first time and hug him. Because she feels that the baby is an important child who spent 10 months together with her and a child of her own. (* ^ _ ^ *)
How nice. Thank you for the wonderful story. Come to think of it, there is such a poem in Manyoshu. "Shirogane mo kugane mo tama mo nansemuni masareru takara ko ni shikameyamo" It means "Why would silver, gold, and jewels be treasures for children who are superior to them? Impossible"
It's a nice poem. The child has always been a treasure. Oh, but not only children but also all of us who came through childhood are treasures.
That's right. When it comes to treasures, children, families, money and jewelry come to mind, but the real treasure is oneself.
First of all, the best treasure for you must be yourself! ! If you can't make yourself happy, you can't make others happy! !
I agree. I want to cherish myself a little more.

↑寶“Treasure” is also supporting you. (^^ ♪
I'm happy. Thank you. (* ^ _ ^ *) I'm sorry to leave you, but could you introduce your friend?
Now, back to the beginning, next time I would like to introduce " " to you, who is a combination of 人"Person," and can turn left and right as his specialty.
Do you know who he is? A tip ... Please take a closer look at the shape of the characters. Thank you, 包“Pack”. See you next time!
Here is 包"Pack"'s profile, so please take a look at it if you like, Bow-Wow!! Let's meet again next time, Bow-Wow!