Toshu's Kanji House 22th

{bashfully} I will appear again, thank you.
Last time I said I was going on a wandering trip, but I came back because I remembered one more thing I really wanted to tell you.

I thought you came back because there was no introduction from the next guest.

Ah, I forgot that too.💦

Well then, 初"First", I let you begin (* ^ _ ^ *)

Have you ever heard the word 「初心(しょしん)忘(わす)るべからず」(Shoshin Wasurubekarazu), "Don't forget your original intentions", Toshu-san?

Of course, there is.
It means, "Don't forget how you felt when you first came up with it."?

It should be closer to 初志"Shoshi" used in 初志貫徹"Shoshikantetsu" rather than 初心"Shoshin".

I see, then how about saying "As you get used to things, you tend to get complacent, so don't forget the fresh humility you feel when you start"?

It certainly has that meaning, but it has a deeper meaning.

I see. Can you tell me easily?

This term originated from the words left by 世阿弥(Zeami), 能楽師(a Noh actor) who perfected 能(Noh), in the Muromachi period, about 600 years ago.

The famous 観阿弥(Kanami)・世阿弥(Zeami)'s Zeami, isn't he?(* ^ ^) v
I learned it in social studies class.
Noh is a popular entertainment at that time, so to speak it's like a Japanese musical.

世阿弥(Zeami), the son of 観阿弥(Kanami), wrote books such as "風姿花伝(Fushikaden)" and "花鏡(Kakyo)" in order to pass down his perfected 能(Noh) to future generations, but the word 初心"the original intentions" was used in them.

Oh, really?

In the world of 能(Noh), 世阿弥(Zeami) said that 初心"the original intentions" comes not once, but many times in life, and he preached that there are three original intentions in "花鏡(Kakyo)".
①是非の初心-Zehi no shoshin(the first original intentions of youth)
②時々の初心-Tokidoki no shoshin(the occasional original intentions in life)
③老後の初心-Rougo no shoshin(the original intentions in old age)

What? I thought 初心"the original intentions" was just a word to express my initial feelings.
I didn't know there were 初心" the original intentions " at various times.

There are not only 初心" the original intentions " in youth, but also 初心"original intentions" in middle age, 初心" the original intentions " in old age, and many 初心" the original intentions ".

I am surprised that there are many 初心"the original intentions".
In my life up until now, when I was about to be crushed by calligraphy, I returned to the feeling I had when I started calligraphy (back to one's original intention) and thought of doing my best.

Also, 世阿弥(Zeami) preached the essence of 能(Noh) by comparing it to 'flower' to please audiences.
We still say "a flamboyant actor" even today.

Yes, I do hear that word often.

Now let's take a look at each 初心"the original intentions".
First of all, about ①是非の初心" the first original intentions of youth ".
When you are young, you think that you will do your best whether you succeed or not.
And there are "flowers" in that diligence, and the feeling when overcoming the big wall that hits you first is " the first original intentions of youth ".

I used to be a beginner.
It reminds me of when I was a new office worker 10 years ago.
I was very happy when I worked hard on everything, received praise and affection from my superiors and seniors, and received recognition.
Now that I think about it, it might have been the first flower in my working life.

In fact, 世阿弥(Zeami) says that the time when it is recognized is the wall and 初心" the original intentions ".

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

When you are young, you have vitality, your talent blooms, and you are often praised.
Did you often feel like you are a full-fledged person?
Some people lose their humility when they are cared for.
But if you are satisfied with it, you will not be able to move on and it will stagnate.

I do remember it.
When you're satisfied, you want to rest on it.
But instead of being satisfied with the situation we are in, I think we need to overcome the barriers that stood in front of us and move forward, and that's where we have grown up.

That's right.
By "Do not forget your original intentions". It means that no matter how much experience you have, you must not forget your original intentions, that is, your inexperience.
original intentions = inmaturity
The accumulation of these efforts will become the second 時々の初心"the occasional original intentions in life".

I see. 世阿弥(Zeami)-san was strict with himself.

Now let's take a look at "②時々の初心"the occasional original intentions in life ".
When even an actor of 能(Noh) gets used to it with experience, he or she forgets 初心"the original intentions" from his or her youth and loses enthusiasm (diligence), and as his or her performance loses, he or she becomes unable to attract audiences.
世阿弥(Zeami) preached that it was necessary to always devote oneself to 初心"the original intentions" so as not to be like that.

Certainly, if you are satisfied with the current situation, your growth will stop.
When I think back to the past, I feel tense with various immaturity. (*_*;

In my opinion, experiencing 初心"the original intentions" at each stage is what makes me what I am.

The accumulation of this moment is my future self.
初心"the original intentions" In other words, you experience failure and embarrassment in your immaturity, and then you turn that into courage and confidence, and you gain something that will help develop your skill.

That's right.
People are immature, not only when they are young, but at any stage of their lives. It's the same when you grow up.
Satisfaction is no growth.

That's right.
There are "flowers" in the lives of people who continue to grow by making efforts.

Finally, I would like to talk about ③老後の初心"the original intentions in old age".
Whenever anyone is alive, "old age" will come, and even an actor who is said to be a master will not be able to move as if he or she is getting older, and if he or she does nothing, the flower will disappear.
Therefore, 老後の初心"the original intentions in old age" means to learn a new art diligently even in old age.
In the world of 能Noh (art), it is not a complete mastery, but 世阿弥(Zeami)'s teaching that you should not forget 初心"the original intentions" and go on the road until you die.
世阿弥(Zeami), who was about to die, saw 観阿弥(Kanami)'s dance and commented, "I saw flowers blooming on an old tree".
To 世阿弥(Zeami), it looked like a flower blooming as a compilation of his life.

That's a wonderful story.
Now it is said that our life will be extended to 100 years, so I thought I still have to work harder!

Zeami left the word 「初心(しょしん)忘(わす)るべからず」(Shoshin Wasurubekarazu), "Don't forget your original intentions" in the art world of 能(Noh), but I think it is a lesson that applies to all people including me.
I wanted to say that, so I appeared in three times today.

That's very kind of you, 初"First"!
Thank you very much for the wonderful story.
I really wanted to remember初心"original intentions" no matter what the situation was.

世阿弥(Zeami) described the flowers that temporarily bloomed in his youth as 時分の花"flower of time" in his book called 風姿花伝(Fushikaden).
For example, when you were a child, you might have received compliments like "Cute or beautiful or genius" at least once.
時分の花"flower of time" means the flash of each moment, and by accumulating it, you can become まことの花 "flower of truth".

まことの花 "flower of truth".☆彡
What a wonderful word!

I hope you will be able to bloomまことの花 "the flower of truth" someday.

I will not forget 初心"original intentions" and work hard to make many 時分の花"flower of time" and まことの花"flower of truth" bloom.

Everyone reading Kanji House, we are in the difficult situation right now, but I would like you to remember the word 初心忘るべからず "Do not forget your original intentions." because of this kind of situation, and bloom the only flower in the world that can only bloom now, Bow-Wow!


Oh, 初"First" again, he went on a wandering trip without introducing the next guest.
But Leciel knows the next guest is this kanji in his plan, Ruff-Ruff!

So, see you, Bow-Wow!

Thank you very much for reading "Toshu's Kanji House" at such a difficult time.
I'm so grateful.
Please take good care of yourself.
I sincerely hope that this situation will come to an end as soon as possible and that everyone will be able to return to a peaceful life.


Toshu's Kanji House 23th is here.