Thank you for waiting. Today's special guest is 令"Oracle".
Nice to meet you. I am 令"Oracle".
Nice to meet you!! I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on being selected as 元号(gengou)"the name of the era".
I am very honored to be invited as a special guest this time.
Aren't you very busy?
Yes, I have been very busy since I was announced on April 1, 2019.
I saw your success on TV. 令"Oracle", could you briefly introduce yourself?
Sure. I was born with the same Oracle Bone Script as 人"Person". I was born from 人"Person", so I'm a little younger than him. (^ ^) /
That means you were born in the Shang (Yin) era and are about 3,300 years old.
Roughly speaking, yes, (* ́ Д `)
You were born from 人"Person", so there is a radical of kanji 人屋根(hitoyane) .
Many people think so, but actually it's a radical of kanji 卩(fushizukuri) that has something to do with 人"Person".
What?! Why is 卩(fushizukuri) from 人"Person"?
You can't imagine it from my present appearance. 卩(fushizukuri) comes from the way people kneel. Please look at the Oracle Bone Script.
甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)

Oh, sure. I heard that 人"Person" in Oracle Bone Script can turn left or right, so this is from 人"Person". Then, what will become of a radical of kanji 人屋根(hitoyane) that I thought it was from 人"Person"?
Please take a look closer. I will show you my Bronze Script. What do you think is on top of me?
金文(Bronze Script)

It looks like a triangular hat.
That's right. It represents a deep hat.
I see.
I understand that Toshu-san said my hat is a radical of kanji 人屋根(hitoyane). In the case of Shoten, the shape is close to 人"Person" and then it looks like 人"Person" by the time of Reisho.




My form comes from a priest wearing a ceremonial cap and kneeling to listen to the divine will {the oracle of God}.

Therefore, it means "The oracles of God" and it means in Japanese as "Mikotonori, Iitsuke, Iitsukeru(みことのり、いいつけ、いいつける)" of higher-ranking people such as an emperor. 令"Oracle" is used as the meaning of 命"life" in the above-mentioned Oracle Bone Script and Bronze Script and the character 命"life" was created from 令"Oracle". And 令"Oracle" came to have the meaning of "Good, Respectable" from receiving divine messages and obeying divine will.
I see. I was surprised that it had a meaning of "Good, Respectable", because it had a strong meaning of 命令(meirei)"Order" in my mind. By the way, there are terms such as 令嬢(reijyo)"other people's daughters", and 令聞(reibun) and 令名(reimei) which are used when they have a good reputation.
That's right. So, this era name 令和(reiwa) also means "Good, Respectable". By the way, the other day, after being chosen as 元号(gengou)"Era name", the members(Kanji charactors) of 万葉集(manyoshu)"the oldest anthology of poems", which is the source of 令和(reiwa), held a celebration party. I was nervous about having dinner with 和"Harmony". (^ ^;)
How come?
Because 和"Harmony" has been chosen for the era name many times. This is probably the 20th time... This is my first time, oh, but I was about to be chosen. In the Edo period, it was called 令徳(reitoku), but it was considered the meaning of "Give orders to the Tokugawa" and he was defeated just one step away. I wish people had thought "Respectable Tokugawa"... But the shock of the old days was blown away by the choice this time. (^ _ -) - ☆
I see. You must have been shocked then.
It's really traumatic. The next plan at the time was 元治(Genji) and they have been chosen for the era name, as I was really jealous of 元"Origin" and 治"Heal". I was quite depressed then. I didn't want to go outside, so I was hiding in the house.
I understand. You don't want to meet anyone.
That's right. I feel fuzzy and irritated. (+ _ +) I couldn't sleep for a long time, and suddenly tears came out, so I cried a lot. (: _;)
Tears can also be purified. Did you feel refreshed with various emotions?
Yes, I feel very refreshed. After that, a certain feeling came. It's like "Is this negative energy?" I thought I am not going to be who I am. Do you spend time in a depressed state, or do you want to do your best driven by regret? I decided to use that frustration as motivation. I can choose my feelings by myself.
令"Oracle", you are awesome!! By the way, sorry for bringing up the same story again, but I think there were some candidates of the name of era this time too. How did you wait for the announcement? I was worried because the word "trauma" appeared earlier.
Let's see. I thought like "Trauma doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong enough to get out of that fear and get over it." They come because I can overcome various difficulties. Since I started thinking like that, I feel much better and I can think positively.
That's a wonderful way to think. That positive attitude attracted this honor this time.
I think so, too. I think it's the result of turning consciousness into positive, not negative.
It's more fun to think like that since we still live longer.
After all, you decide what happens to you. Life is a continuum of choices and decisions.
令"Oracle", you are great! You have strengthened your feelings and lifted up your level of spirit. 令"Oracle", you are a really nice Kanji. (^ ^)
I am embarrassed. Come to think of it, I have a picture of the celebration the other day, Toshu-san. Would you like to see it?
I would like to see it!!
Huh? I thought I put it here. Maybe '' " whom I've been with lately has it. Actually, this is the next guest.
I'm looking forward to it. (^^♪ I know you are busy, but please come with him, 令"Oracle" . Please don't forget to bring pictures!
Yes, definitely. I look forward to the next time. (* ^ ^) v
Thank you for coming despite being busy. I sincerely hope for your success, 令"Oracle"!!
Here's 令"Oracle"'s profile, Bow-Wow!
Toshu's Kanji House 18th is here, Ruff-Ruff!