Continuing from the previous time, we invite 従"Obey" and 比"Compare".
{at the same time} Hello. ~ (^ ^ ♪ We are honored to be able to perform continuously.
I am happy to see you guys again!! By the way, you talked about 平和“Peace” last time, didn’t you?
Oh, that's me. 平和"Peace" is the hope of the whole world.
After that, when I returned to the real world, I wrote 平和"Peace" on a paper and put it on the black board in my calligraphy class. Then, the children who noticed the paper said, “Why did you write 平和"Peace" and put it on the black board?”, so I asked, “What do you think 平和"Peace" mean?”
What did they answer?
“A world where everyone keeps laughing” “A world where everyone gets along with and has no bullying” “A world without war” etc. I think it is “A world free from discrimination”. Then, after the calligraphy class, I turned around and looked at the blackboard, and was surprised to see various kinds of magnets stuck around the 平和"Peace". I think each of the children who were waiting in line to have my correction for their assignments put a magnet on it. This is the picture at that time. LOOK!!

Wow, a cat, horses, a penguin, a puffer, Kumamon, Chinese cabbages(Hakusai), Van Gogh's sunflowers, a terracotta warrior(Heibayou), Narita-san of temple, and so on.
That's right. There are even Black egg-fairies! ! Isn't it spectacular to transcend humanity?
AMAZING!! This is 平和"Peace". (* ^ - ^ *)
I thought there must have been something that affected the children.
Thank you for the wonderful story. (^ ^ ♪
Well, I've been concerned about something since last time. Which of you is the original Kanji of Hiragana or Katakana which was born in Japan?
It is me, 比"Compare"! From what Hiragana and Katakana do you think I am?
Give me some tips, please.
It is は行“HA-line” !
Is it ひ and ヒ(hi)?
Ding Dong Dong♪
YAY!! (*^-^*) By the way, it is the first time Hiragana and Katakana have appeared at Toshu’s Kanji House.


Hiragana and Katakana are different from Kanji and are called Phonetic characters, which have no meaning in the characters themselves. Now let's ask Leciel to explain the character systems such as Phonetic characters, Ideographic characters, and Logographic characters.
Sure, Toshu-sensei. Now, let me explain the writing system in this page, Bow-Wow!
Thank you, Leciel!! I still want to talk with you guys, but can you introduce the next guest for us?
So, let’s introduce from me, 従"Obey".
Oh, there are three 人"Person" who are facing left. Can you give me some tips?
In the world of Kanji, 3 people and 3 things mean “many” or “a lot”.
{hesitantly} Excuse me for interrupting you. (*_*; Actually, " " came to me the other day and said that he really wanted to appear in Toshu's Kanji House. I told him that the guest should have a connection of Kanji with 人"Person", but he didn't give up at all... Besides, he said, "Even though the connection with 人"Person" is important, but if there is a Kanji guest who are not related on the way, he will make everyone who reads it happy. (* ^ _ ^ *)" How selfish he is. But…what should I do for him…?
比"Compare", I have not contacted yet, so why don’t you have come? Sounds interesting, right?
If that's the case, I'm also very welcome. By the way, what kind of Kanji is " " ?
The frequency (wave) is very high and he always smiles. He says he is laughing even if the chopsticks fall. In short, he is a “happy Kanji”. (^ _-)-☆
I am getting excited. Who he is. . . . Please think about who our next guest is. We will introduce him at the next “Toshu’s Kanji House”, so please look forward to it!!
従"Obey" and 比"Compare", thank you so much!
{at the same time} Thank you!!
The harmony is really fantastic. Thank you very much for coming twice.
I want you to see the profiles of 従"Obey" and 比"Compare". See you next time, Ruff-Ruff!!
Toshu's Kanji House 8th is here.