Now I'm going to read a letter from 人"Person" Bow-Wow!
Hello, everyone!!
I am "Person" in an Oracle Bone Script. Thank you very much for reading "Toshu's Kanji House". I, was the first guest, do you remember me?
Well, it was only in recent years that we, Oracle Bone Script were able to go out from the basement to the ground where the sun shines. Until then, we were in the dark. Why is that? Then, I would like to tell you a little bit about Oracle Bone Script.
Oracle Bone Script, which was created about 3,300 years ago, came into this world to communicate between gods and kings, that is, to tell fortunes. The carapace of Oracle Bone Script refers to the shell of a turtle or the shoulder of a beast, and the fortune-telling that was written in advance and the result of the fortune-telling are inscribed on the carapace. The contents of divination are religious services, military affairs, harvesting, hunting, weather, calamity... For example, by heating the bone, it creates cracks, and depending on the degree of cracks, it is judged either good or bad. Specifically, they predicted various things, such as whether a disaster would occur within a certain period of time, how the harvest of grain this year would be, and whether hunting would be successful.
When the divination was over, the turtle's shell and the beast's shoulder were piled up very carefully, and they were buried in the ground with sacrifices. They had never shown up after being buried... for it was a sacred character which could be seen only by the King and few.
About 3,200 years later, in 1899 (the late Qing Dynasty) in Anyang, Henan Province, China, Wang Yi Rong, Kokushi Kansai Shu (the head of the Supreme School at that time) is said to be the first to discover a character engraved on a bone called a keel. We seem to have been excavated by farmers for a long time, but did not realize our true value and meaning. Since then, many people have studied Oracle Bone Script, but it has been clarified by Shizuka Shirakawa-sensei, a Japanese Kanji Prof. Shirakawa-sensei researched and explored our history with great passion and expressed many Kanji characters in wonderful words. We deeply appreciate for what he has done for us.
And now we have a relationship with Toshu, a calligrapher who studied Shirakawa Script, and this project has been realized. From now on, various Kanji will visit Kanji House and talk with Toshu, so please look forward to the future “Toshu's Kanji House”. Last but not least, I would like to say goodbye to you today hoping you prosperities. We will contact you if there is another opportunity.
To everyone who reads Toshu's Kanji House. From Oracle Bone Script representative " " !!
Leciel, thank you for reading the letter! 人"Person", thank you for your letter. Everyone, next time, I will invite and introduced by the 4th guest 北"North", so please look forward to it!!
Here is the 6th edition of Toshu's Kanji House.