Thank you for waiting. Today's guest is 北"North".
Nice to meet you. I am 北"North".
Nice to meet you, too!! Oh, your voice is very low-pitched.
Everyone says so.
I knew it. 北"North", could you briefly introduce yourself?
I am the same Oracle Bone Script as 人"Person".
That means you were born in the Chinese Yin Era and turned 3,300 years old.
Yes. I was born from 人"Person", so I'm a little younger than him. I am a Kanji where I put 人"Person" facing left and 人"Person" facing right back to back.
甲骨文字(Oracle Bone Script)

金文(Bronze Script)

I am used to mean north now, but I originally meant "back and give someone a back".
The 背"back" is a part of your body, isn't it?
That's right. There is a king in the background of this character. The king sat facing the warm south during the ceremony. Then, here is the question. In which direction do you think the king's back will be?
The front faces south, so the back is north.
That's right. At first, I was used for the meaning of 背"back", but gradually I came to be used as 北"North" to indicate a direction. Because the original Kanji for "back, give someone a back" was also needed, so the current Kanji for was created along with the 月"flesh", which represents a part of the body.
Ah, that's why when you lose a battle, you call it 敗北"defeat" to turn your back to the enemy and run away.
I like the Chinese history, so I often saw the word 敗北"Defeat". Why is it north? I thought. However, I am fascinated by your voice. (〃 ▽ 〃)blush
By the way, as an aside, we Kanji were born in the northern hemisphere. The sun rises from the east sky, passes through the south sky, and finally sinks to the west sky. That's why the south is warm. But in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun rises from the east sky and sinks to the west through the north sky.

So the north is warm. If Kanji were born in the Southern Hemisphere...
 ↑ ↑ There is no Kanji like this!! lol
Wow, that's true!! Interesting!! I am glad that I can study a lot through Kanji. I want to talk more, but the time has come. (T_T) Please introduce your friends.
Then for the next guests... May I introduce you to a good duo?
Of course you can. It is the first time for the duo to be introduced since the beginning of Toshu's Kanji House. I am so nervous!!
Thank you very much. Then let me introduce and .
Please give me some tips!!
As you can see,
has two 人"Person" facing left.
also has two 人"Person" facing right. And one of them became Hiragana and Katakana after they came to Japan.
What does it become Hiragana and Katakana!? I'm excited just thinking about it. Thank you, 北"North"! The correct answer will be introduced at the next “Toshu's Kanji House”! Everyone, look forward to it!
Toshu-sensei, please wait for a moment.  I just got a letter from the first guest, 人"Person", Bow-Wow! I'm running out of time today, so I'll introduce the letter from 人"Person" in the next episode of Toshu's Kanji House, Bow-Wow! Here is 北"North"'s profile, I would like you to look at it, Ruff-Ruff!
Thank you, Leciel! Then, I will ask and who were introduced by 北"North" to come to the next show. Thank you everyone for reading to the end.